What is the meaning of the word "yalta conference"?
A conference held in Yalta in February 1945 where Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill planned the final stages of World War II and agreed to the territorial division of Europe.
- At the Yalta Conference, the Allied leaders made significant agreements on the division and future of Germany.
- At the Yalta Conference, the Allied leaders made significant agreements on the division and future of Germany.
A conference that aimed to shape a post-war peace and establish order, peace treaties issues, and counter the effects of a war-torn Europe.
- The promise of free elections in Eastern Europe, made at the Yalta Conference, was a contentious issue in the subsequent Cold War period.
- The promise of free elections in Eastern Europe, made at the Yalta Conference, was a contentious issue in the subsequent Cold War period.
Was a significant meeting during World War II, held from February 4 to 11, 1945.
- The Yalta Conference was crucial in determining the fate of post-war Europe and the balance of power between the East and West
- The Yalta Conference was crucial in determining the fate of post-war Europe and the balance of power between the East and West